
Committee Description

The Northern Kentucky Senior Advocacy Committee meets on a regular basis to provide education to individuals and the community on issues concerning older and disabled adults in NKY, influencing public policy which affects these individuals, and when needed, forming partnerships among concerned individuals, agencies, and the community.

Who does the Committee Benefit / What are the Benefits?

The committee was created to advocate for older adults and the disabled in the Northern Kentucky community. The committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Campbell County Senior Center located at 3504 Alexandria Pike, Highland Heights. All meetings begin at 2:00pm and are open to the general public.

Some examples of Advocacy in the community:

  • Visits to Frankfort to meet with legislators prior to and during the legislative session
  • Providing updates to the Nursing Home Checklist and distributing it to older adults at senior picnics
  • Hosting a Legislative Forum to focus on potential cuts in services and other concerns
  • Educating the community on current State and Federal Legislation

Contact Information

For more information or questions, please contact Kelly Bond, Human Services Specialist at the Northern Kentucky Area Development District / Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living at 859.283.1885.

Downloadable Content

US Senate Senator Directory
US House of Representatives
Kentucky Legislature