Public Administration


The NKADD offers on a subsidized fee basis the provision of staff support for local not-for-profit organizations. This allocation of staff time is devoted to the assistance and maintenance of many not-for-profit groups located in Northern Kentucky.

Generally, the Public Administration Services Division provides on-going professional and clerical staff support for the Municipal Government League, the Northern Kentucky Regional Ethics Authority, the Northern Kentucky City and County Management Association, the Northern Kentucky Municipal Clerks Association, and the Northern Kentucky Public Works Association

Human Resources Assistance

NKADD staff regularly performs work for local units of government and non-profits concerning the management of human resources. These services include keeping abreast of changes in federal and state laws affecting the employer-employee relationship, updating or creating job classifications and descriptions, performing executive searches, benefits administration, updating pay plans, and conducting salary surveys.

NKADD staff also provide compliance and training support in the following areas: the Americans with Disabilities Act, equal opportunity, hiring and firing, pay for performance, drug testing, wage and hour law, labor law, and personnel evaluation and management.

Another specific service provided is that of compliance with KRS 65.003, which requires cities and counties to enact and enforce a code of ethics governing the conduct of local government officers and employees. The NKADD staffs and can provide information about the Northern Kentucky Regional Ethics Authority. Separately, NKADD also provides staffing services for the annual collection of financial disclosure statements for cities and counties which maintain their own ethics boards.

Each project is designed specifically to meet the needs of the community.

  • Boone County Water District General Manager Search, 2012
  • Re-Write of Crescent Springs’ Ethics Ordinance, 2011
  • Neighborhood Foundations Finance Officer Search, 2011
  • Kenton County Treasurer Search, 2011
  • Bromley Job Description re-write, 2010
  • Covington Ethics Ordinance Update, 2010
  • Alexandria Personnel Policy re-write, 2009
  • Falmouth Job Description re-write, 2009
  • Crestview Hills Executive Search, 2009
  • Covington Job Description re-write, 2008
  • Updates on changes to the CERS Pension System, 2008
  • Re-write of Ethics Ordinances for the cities of Gratz and Woodlawn, 2008

Research and Special Studies

The Northern Kentucky Area Development District is available to perform special research studies and projects. The NKADD Community Development and Public Administration Specialists have expertise in many fields including comprehensive and land use planning, transportation planning, environmental planning, infrastructure planning, public safety planning, economic development, urban design, merger studies, and financial resources administration. The NKADD offers such services for a subsidized fee to local government agencies and non-profit organizations. The NKADD can provide many levels of assistance from general consulting to full project development.

The following list highlights some of the projects for which the NKADD has provided assistance.

  • Service Merger and Efficiency Studies
  • Downtown Market Studies
  • Visioning Studies
  • Executive Search/Recruitment Service
  • Salary and Compensation Studies
  • Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan
  • Regional Wastewater Management Plan
  • Tax Rate Calculations
  • Personnel Policy Review
  • Job Description Development
  • Comprehensive Plan Updates
  • Regional Ethics Service

Contact Information

If you have further questions concerning Staffing, Human Resources Services or Research and Special Studies, or have a need for any of these services, please contact Chris Courtney, Associate Director for Local Government Services at 859.283.1885.